I've been thinking about the wonderful times I had as a little girl in Sunday
School. I loved it! We had Bible verse memorization contests like
spelling bees, books with spaces to fill in with verses, and it was such
fun filling in the blanks. Our only translation was the King James
Version back then and sometimes I found it hard to understand, but the
meaning was there and I got it. We had a weekly verse to memorize and
the teachers sometimes rewarded us with a sticker or pencil or bookmark
if we'd done our lessons. I still remember a chartreuse pen with red
printing I once received...it was something I treasured for years. I
still remember the verse: For me to live is Christ; to die is gain. I
pondered that a lot. Dying is not a concept a child usually thinks
about. But because I had hidden that verse in my heart, it's still
With the world in the state it is, would it not be prudent to
continue teaching our children and grandchildren to memorize verses that
they may someday need to recall? Perhaps our churches will be gone or
our Bibles burned. If we have those words hidden in our hearts, no one
can destroy them unless they destroy our body, too. In the '90's, I
made a list of verses from A to Z on notecards. I review them often,
tucking them away for today, perhaps for tomorrow or troubles down the road. A...All things are possible with God, Mark 10:27, B...Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken, Psalm 16:8, C....
Maybe you, too, would like to seek these treasures. Happy Hunting! Judy