Hey, Julie!
I went to the Bookworm yesterday and found 5 new/old books! I decided
to read (again after 50 years)The Good Earth by Pearl Buck. Other
books by Lee Smith, Anne Tyler (I've read all of hers and this is her
new (2012) one, Robert Goolrick and Tan Twan Eng. I'll put them on
Goodreads as I finish so you can see if I liked them or not.
Everybody should register for Goodreads, don't you think? Great way
for like-minded bookworms to find reading material, and it's free! I
always enjoy your suggestions and comments, and of course, the 'other'
Julie's, too. I wish they rated books with G's, PG's or R's. Now I'm
looking forward to sitting on my patio and reading the summer days
away. (Like that will happen, but I can dream, can't I?)
Later... Judy
Your memo came straight to THIS bookworm, and I'm responding as quickly as I could! I'm a Goodreads addict and I can't wait until YOUR book is on there!! Can you update your readers? --Other Julie