Sunday, I heard two sermons. What are the chances they'd be on the very
same subject? Faith. Real faith, as though you really trusted that
God is who he says he is and will do what he says he'd do. Hold us in
his arms, carry us when we can no longer walk, hide us under the shadow
of his wings. This week my son arrives from North Carolina and he plans
on walking alone the whole 485 miles of the Colorado Trail. He's 44
and looks like either a mountain man or a homeless person, I can't
decide which. As a mother, I worry and fret about all the things that
might happen...he could get West Nile disease from the mosquitoes, be
mauled by a bear, trip over a log and break his leg, get struck by
lightning. Leave his son father-less and his mother son-less.
I heard in those sermons: get out of the driver's seat or God can't
take the wheel. You can't trust and worry at the same time. If you
really trusted, you would be at peace. Choose peace in every
circumstance. Nothing can happen to you outside the permissive will of
God. How I needed to hear those things again! The next five weeks will
be easier now as I pray and rest in these promises.
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