If our blog could talk…wait…is our blog male or female? This is an important question, for I as a
writer need to use correct pronouns when I write.
Let me start again. I
think I have an answer.
If our blog could talk she
would sternly ask Judy and me a question.
“Where have you girls been?” she queries. “Have you been (as in the story in 1 Kings 18 of Elijah versus the prophets of Baal) taking a walk, spending too much time in the bathroom, or
worse, sleeping the day away?”
After being called a girl (I’m not above a little flattery),
I’m most willing to answer. First, I’ve been
undeniably negligent. Second, when I did
remember I didn’t have anything to say. Third, I’ve been busy writing. Writing about people in a tuberculosis
sanitarium in the 1940’s. Writing about
Elena, and Arlene, and Jean, and Mary, and Hazel, and even writing about whiney
Eunice. They occupy my thoughts while
cooking, while walking, while reading….
I’m having a great time, in fact, having more fun than a barrel of
monkeys. There. That ought to make you happy, Ms. Blog. Are you a blonde or a brunette…or should I
use past tense?!
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