Sunday, December 15, 2013

Chaos, Cookies and Comfort

I admit I'm rather hum-buggy this time of year, when my heart should
be filled with joy and peace. Company, shopping, wrapping,
decorating, cooking, cleaning,baking and on and on! It seems never to
end! So much chaos in mind, body and spirit, this time of advent
sometimes gets lost. So I was thinking. What if I try to pray songs
every day, as the old hymns are often prayers in themselves. Here's
my prayer: O Lord of the Universe, with whom we can have an actual
relationship because of your grace and mercy, we sing to you this
prayer. What a friend we have in Jesus! You bear our sin and grief
when we carry everything to you in prayer. Great is your faithfulness
and how we have needed all your hand provides. We need you every
hour, most gracious Lord. Our desire is for a closer walk with you,
so have your own way in our lives. Melt the clouds of sin and sadness
and drive the dark of doubt away! Bring us comfort and joy as we seek
to bring comfort and joy to others in your name. Our faith looks up
to you and we surrender all we have and are. In Your name we pray,

Blessed Christmas to you all.

1 comment:

  1. You have a way of zeroing in on the center of life. I'm copying this to reread and reread. Thank you.
